April 11, 2018

WinFile from WinNT4 for Windows RT

Posted at April 11, 2018 05:42 AM in Software .

   After coming across the WinFile with enhancements being open sourced, and seeing the "Issues" tab where there's a request to port to Windows RT Desktop -- Well, challenge accepted!

Here's the result:

More info after the entry.


  • Visual Studio Exress 2012

  • Some tweaks to develop for Windows ARM desktop (search web)

  • Most of these changes apply here

  • Re-edit those changes to target VS express 2012

  • Add ARM project and the rest of the info that follows

Basically remove any debug define info.
Remove references to x86, so nt headers don't pull in x86 asm.
Remove linking with standard libraries.
Remove the security item.

Compile and iterate by adding libs for symbols that did not link.

Result was adding these: LIBCMT.LIB; User32.lib; shell32.lib; Shlwapi.lib; Gdi32.lib; Comctl32.lib; Advapi32.lib; ole32.lib; OleAut32.lib;

Those all need to be matched with the ARM libraries on the RT machine, I think.


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